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To utilize our collective knowledge and resources to shift power and create equitable opportunities for locally produced food and food education in Connecticut schools and early childhood centers.
The CT Farm to School Collaborative strives to be anti-racist by identifying/acknowledging structural, institutional and cultural racism that has historically denied BIPOC people power and access in shaping CT food system work within farm to school. The Collaborative is committed to anti-racism through rooting out racist policies and ideas by intentionally shifting narrative, power and resources from white centered to BIPOC.
We encourage Collaborative members to share their time and talent at a level that works for them.
We agree to make an active effort to step out of our comfort zones; to be brave.
We agree to make an intentional effort to invite underrepresented groups and individuals into our spaces and center their work and experience so their voices are heard.
We agree to be honest and seek transparency in naming where power comes from and lies within the Collaborative. We commit to shifting-decision making power to those who will be impacted and lead space in our meetings to include these voices.
We believe farm to school is a part of the food system as a whole and that improving the system means listening for common values in others spaces. We agree to reach out and connect with others, to look beyond the spaces we currently host and occupy.
We believe relationships create connection, lead to progress, and are integral to sustainable change. We will prioritize authenticity and people over productivity and output.
We believe we have a lot to learn from each other and the various perspectives of those engaged and committed to this work. We agree to look for, share, and engage in learning and development opportunities. We will lift up stories and dig for the unheard stories or the quieter voices.
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